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Vase with a River God in an Oval Medallion, 17th century (late). Creator: Rene Boyvin.
Vase with Dancing Women and Satyrs, 17th century (late). Creator: Rene Boyvin.
L'Air, from The Elements, 17th century. Creator: Reinier Zeeman.
Vase with Two Winged Satyrs, 17th century. Creator: Rene Boyvin.
Vase with a River God in an Oval Medallion, 17th century. Creator: Rene Boyvin.
Vase with Two Winged Figures Draping a Term, 17th century. Creator: Rene Boyvin.
Bartholomeus Spranger, ca. 1618. Creators: Jan Muller, Hans von Aachen.
Cartouche with Title: Nouvelles inventions de Cartouches, 17th century. Creator: Unknown.